Sunday, June 8, 2008

Mama Bear!

I was so nervous to hold both of them, because last time I almost dropped Sabrina. They were pushing each other off me. THIS TIME... once the girls' nurse Jenni place both girls on my chest, she said my shoulder tensed up right away. Then Jenni got me a few pillows and my shoulders went back to where they were suppose to. The girls are doing great. Sabrina might be home on Friday. THEY BOTH PASSED THEIR HEARING TESTS and Sabrina is getting her car seat test tonight. You should see how tiny she looks in that HUGE seat!!! SHE IS SOOOOO CUTE!!!!!!!! They are getting ultrasounds on the their hearts tomorrow to see where their PDA's really are. I will keep you posted. Sabrina nursed two times today and was not too tired. She is making me feel better about her coming home with no issues. I AM SO EXCITED!!! Sophia will be home sometime next week:)! She is doing well, but keep her in her prayers. Because of her rougher start and being on a respirator, she may have scar tissue in her lung causing her to progress a tad slower. BUT FOR 27 weekers...



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