Monday, June 9, 2008

Two Parts!

I got report from the Dr today... Sabrina will not be coming home this week. She is beginning to de-sat again during feedings which is VERY TYPICAL FOR HER AGE!!! They began preparing the girls to come home this week, but each of them showed they are not ready yet. Sophia may need to come home on oxygen. I am praying she is all healed up and does not need this treatment. HER PDA IS CLOSED...PRAISE THE LORD!!! Sabrina's PDA has not yet. If she becomes symptomatic this may mean she will need surgery. We are also praying this does not happen. I will keep you posted.  

I can not even begin to tell you how much it means to me that you read this blog. Knowing I am writing and so many people are reading and praying brings me so much comfort. Your prayers, thoughts and many cards have made this road much easier to travel. I do not know what I would have done without all this love and support! PLEASE DO NOT STOP! The girls are doing great for their ages, but they still need many prayers. Even after they come home we are going to busy with many Dr appts and all the other things that come with having a newborn (x2), preemie issues (x2) and a girl (x2). Although they are now 7 weeks old... they really are not full term and are considered to be newborns through July 17th, which was my original due date. Reality has hit me, and my days have been difficult. BUT THERE IS NOTHING MORE JOYFUL THAN HAVING A FAMILY OF 6!!! A Mother of FOUR!!! And I also have a husband who is still in love with me... even after the hardest 8 months of my life. We have been challenged, but God remains our comfort and our protector no matter what may come our way.     

1 comment:

Misty Paige said...

Hi Holly - This is Misty Paige. Not sure if you remember me from about 10 -12 years ago in Utica. You babysat for Scott and Rachel. I just wanted to let you know how much I am enjoying your blog and following along with Sabrina and Sophia's growth. You sound like you are a great mom to all 3 of your children! Just wanted to say Hi and let you know I was reading and praying for your family.
