Friday, August 29, 2008

Hemangioma Update

Tyler took this pic:)

We took Sophia in to an emergency appt with a specialty dr because we were concerned that the hemangioma was causing her to choke 3 times within the last 24 hours. She is ok, and the dr says the tumor has enlarged. She will be getting steroid injections into the tumor on Sept 9th. This is considered surgery, because she will have to be sedated. We will have to be at hosp. a total of 4 hours. If this does not work the dr will remove the tumor. We will know a week after the injections if it did work. If it didn't work, we will quickly schedule surgery. It is growing toward her nose causing it to push on her airway and we do not want to be more problematic. We are hoping the shots will work and we will not need have it removed. I will keep you all posted. 

I am doing much better! A few friends are helping me out during Aaron's work week. The girls are not needing to be held so much... but they still are keeping me busy! The girls are also sleeping 6-8 hours at night!!! They really are doing well!!!!


MJ said...

Hey beautiful!

You are a hero! It sounds like He is giving you the daily strength you need! One day at a time.

Thank you for taking the time to update us, It helps to know how to pray for you all.

Sending hugs,

Shannon said...

that is a GREAT pic that tyler took of you feeding one of the girls!!